You do not need to have an account for a very longtime before accessing loan facility at CIDAN Capital however you will need to open an account and run it.

Depending on the amount but for smaller amounts your stock and household assets can be used.

Yes but the  type of collateral differs with  amounts.

It should be at least one and half times the loan amount.

Yes, there is processing fee of 3% and insurance of 1% on the loan amount, also there is a twenty cedis charge for Bank of Ghana  collateral registration.

Loan is approved based on the effective financial evaluation that is made to ascertain the business  capacity which may or may not be in tandem  with your request .

Yes a lien or cash collateral of up to 20% of the loan amount

Yes you   need guarantor who has both financial and personal influence.

Mostly monthly; but can be structured depending on the expected cash flow of the client.

Strictly  not allowed.

Because it shall impair your credit history with us and affect our cash flows.

Because the interest rate is flat that is not possible but you get an interest waver of up to 80% of the outstanding interest if you can mobilize all the outstanding principal.

Yes ,there is a credit referencing bureau search for a possible credit history or exposure with other financial institutions’ businesses and household reference .

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